Who are you in this point in time?
I have plenty of seconds to lose
Over-analyzing to build what isn't there
So let me breathe and be
All the other lives outside
Rather than drift and swim in fantasies of you one more time.
Who are you in this point in time?
That unbothered drunk snoring on his bed
Sleeping in last nights clothes
Reeking of his sadness that the drinks failed to take away
Who are you at this point in time?
The preacher with his bible ringing a bell
Walking the still dark early morning streets
Proclaiming of judgement and hell
Who are you at this point in time?
Mid forties workaholic
Late for a business meeting
Giving herself no time to admit she would die a lonely soul.
You may think you know who you are
Till you see yourself live through another person's eyes
Would you cringe even just one bit
At the sharp correct reflection of yourself in the mirror
Who are you at this point in time?
The lovesick love frustrated girl
Who in her heart is always alone
Because that conscious vague unease never leaves
Who are you at this point in time?
Can you separate fact from fantasy?
Are you mine only in my mind?
How much more does want hurt than pain?
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