Say Now
Say Forever
Tell me you would hold my hand
when I feel most alone
that I would always find the comfort of your embrace
when my insides are falling apart.
That you would help glue me together
And bring back laughter and smiles
That time and distance
No matter how famous they have become
breaking everyone around us apart
would never overcome our love
We would be as beautiful as the stars that twinkle at night
We would be as unreachable as the skies.
Our love would be as endless as the Atlantic
Even the sun would smile down at us
We would always see good days. no tears. No hurting
Just like fairy tales, you would be my happy ending.
Eternity shall be ours
and I will know forever in your arms.
So now, hold my hand
Say these words
Say you love me
Promise you will give me this forever.
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