Thursday, 31 October 2019

13 October 2019

Next time when you find yourself about to to fall in love, restrain yourself 
New love always feels great and fleeting 
But tell yourself there should be boundaries 
Restraints in how you love, limits to how you let yourself go
Safe words to know when you’re going too far or getting in too deep 
Remember how you want to remain alive
Ask yourself what happens when he withdraws and takes away your lifeline
Remind yourself about your dreams and aspirations, how you want to be great one day 
Tell yourself you don’t want to become a vegetable 
Think of how it’s difficult for you to trust, the different times you bared your soul only to get hurt 
Ask yourself if he would still love you the same way years after?
Or would you become a nag, always too needy, never understanding 
Or you would be by yourself, Struggling to breathe 
Trying to learn independence all over again 
Love isn’t for the weak hearted 
Love is an ocean that would drown you complete
There would be many nights of insomnia and self loathing, blaming yourself 
Nights were you hurt so much you feel you cannot survive 
Time spent looking for reasons to keep going on 
And the worst thing is he would never know how badly it hurt