Monday, 21 March 2016

Happy International Happiness Day

This was so impromptu and I'm glad myself and Obute had fun writing this together (check her blog here:
 I will be looking forward to your comments on what makes you happy and update the post with your contributions! Happy International Happiness Day or whatever the fuck that really means lol.

1. Happiness is blissful sleep. Waking up lazily at 10am because it's a holiday/weekend. Not at 5am, 5:10 or 5:15am by the consecutive alarms you set because you know one alarm isn't enough to get you out of bed and ready for work on time.

2. Happiness is food, not the fat or the calories, or table manners you have to be conscious of. It is purely from the joy of eating.

3. Happiness is you! Making me feel like a kid again. It is my heart before and during you, and not after.

4. Happiness is found sometimes at the bottom of your 4th glass of long island. It is when you become relaxed enough to twerk for the stranger watching you from the other corner of the bar.

5. Happiness starts on friday evening and ends with the massive hangover called monday.


7. Happiness is the confidence of repeatedly swiping your card to get yourself new clothes without worrying about account balance.

8. Happiness is the smell of burnt toasts in the morning. Knowing he wasn't another one night stand.

9. Happiness are old rainy nights that have you cuddled up in your blanket .

10. Happiness is not going to bed alone. It is his scent reminding you that he hasn't left. Having his body envelop you with warmth and love.

11. Happiness is an unexpected credit alert.

12. Happiness are gifts, flowers, anonymous love notes that make us melt a little bit inside and feel appreciated.

13. Happiness are your little cute kisses all over my face as you hold my head still with your hands.

14. Happiness is when the light comes on at 2am and you know you're not going to die in the heat that already got your night shirt soaked.

15. Happiness is the laughter of my one year old baby, the excitement in his eyes, his cute cheeks, his front two teeth and little pink gums.